
Cast of Characters

Seoul, South Korea

10. 11 - 13, 2019

International workshop with students from Kyung Hee University and Virginia Commonwealth University.

A workshop in world building as methodology for typographic research. Participants will develop unique typographic expressions based upon the backstory of a character that will be formalized as dialogue with one another.

Cast of Characters is a play on language for graphic development. Participants will begin the workshop by developing a character (actor) by answering a series of questions. These questions will help develop an identity and backstory that will help shape the direction of a typographic expression. Participants will use the language developed for their actors as research descriptives to generate typographic form.

The typographic experiments will finalize in a static poster in which two or more characters will be in dialogue with one another. The structure of this poster should reflect the idea of a screen play while the content is generated by the conversations of the characters.